--1、新员工王小明,员工编号是11,性别是男,年龄30,岗位编号是5,岗位是测试工程师,部门编号是3,--部门名称是测试部,薪水6000(基本工资2800,奖金3200);select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表
--薪水表insert into salary(salaryid,employid,basesalary,bonussalary) values(11,11,2800,3200);commit;--员工表insert into employ(ename,employid,sex,age,stationid,deptid) values('王小明',11,'男',30,5,3);commit;--部门表insert into dept(deptid,deptname) values(3,'测试部');commit;--岗位表insert into station values(5,'测试工程师');commit;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表update salaryset basesalary = basesalary + basesalary * 0.1,bonussalary = bonussalary + bonussalary * 0.15where salaryid = 11;commit;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表select t2.deptname 部门,max(t3.basesalary + t3.bonussalary) 最高薪,min(t3.basesalary + t3.bonussalary) 最低薪,avg(t3.basesalary + t3.bonussalary) 平均薪资from employ t1, dept t2, salary t3where t1.employid = t3.employidand t2.deptid = t1.deptidand t2.deptid = 3group by t2.deptname;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表 select t3.deptid 部门名称,t3.deptname 部门名字,max(t2.basesalary+t2.bonussalary) 最高薪,min(t2.basesalary+t2.bonussalary) 最低薪,avg(t2.basesalary+t2.bonussalary) 平均薪资from employ t1, salary t2, dept t3 where t1.employid=t2.employid and t1.deptid=t3.deptid group by t3.deptid,t3.deptname order by t3.deptname asc;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表select t2.deptname 部门名字, count(t1.employid) 人数from employ t1, dept t2where t1.deptid = t2.deptidand t2.deptid = group by t2.deptname;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表 select t2.deptname 部门名字, count(t1.employid) 员工总数from employ t1, dept t2where t1.deptid = t2.deptidgroup by t2.deptnameorder by t2.deptname asc;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表 select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表select *from employ t1, salary t2, dept t3, station t4where t1.employid = t2.employidand t1.deptid = t3.deptidand t1.stationid = t4.stationidand t1.ename like '%王%'order by t1.employid;
select t2.deptname 部门名字, 性别,round(avg(t3.basesalary + t3.bonussalary)) 平均薪水from employ t1, dept t2, salary t3where t1.deptid = t2.deptidand t1.employid = t3.employidgroup by t2.deptname,;
select t1.ename 姓名, avg(t2.basesalary + t2.bonussalary) 平均薪资from employ t1, salary t2where t1.employid = t2.employidand t1.age between 30 and 40group by t1.ename;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表 select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表select t1.ename 员工姓名,t2.deptname 部门名字,max(t3.basesalary + t3.bonussalary) 薪水from employ t1, dept t2, salary t3where t1.deptid = t2.deptidand t1.employid = t3.employidand t2.deptid = 3group by t2.deptname, t1.ename;
select * from salary; --薪水表select * from employ; --员工表 select * from dept; --部门表select * from station; --岗位表delete from salary where salaryid=11;delete from employ where ename='王小明';delete from dept where deptid=3;delete from station where stationid=5;